For information about the reunions, please visit the ALLIANCE website and click Reunions.

After reading the instructions, click the desired reunion tab at top of screen

Mobile phone, tap 3 bars top left, select reunion, then scroll down


We suggest you make a photo of these instructions on your smartphone before moving on

Step 1: Go to the selected reunion booking page at top left on this screen (3 bars on smartphone, second line; do not change the language, this site does not work in French).
Step 2: Click on a photo to select the item, scroll down and read the description, indicate the desired "Quantity" (people for tours or cabins for cruise) and click "Add to cart". If you cannot add an item to your cart (), it means it is sold out.
Step 3: Click "Continue shopping", then click the back arrow of your navigator to return to the selection screen. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have completed your order with all selected items.
Step 4: Click "Proceed to checkout" or click the cart image (top right) and "Checkout", verify or adjust the quantities. Continue as a guest or log into your booking site account (different login and password from ALLIANCE web site).
Step 5: Click "Proceed to checkout", check the box "I agree to the terms of service" and continue as indicated for payment. You will receive an acknowledgement of order by email if you have supplied a valid email address.
Tours and events bookings are registered only when payment is received. See further instructions in the cart payment steps. 
NOTICE: ALLIANCE Schlumberger Board and Organising Teams facilitate regular Reunions for ALLIANCE members. This involves advance commitments with third parties, funded by contributions from registered attendees. ALLIANCE Schlumberger and its Directors shall not be liable for any attendees’ direct or indirect loss or for any incidental or consequential damage that may arise from any reason associated with the reunion, including full or partial cancellations, strike or civil disturbance, personal or weather conditions, natural disaster or other unforeseeable events.